Dickson Bee Club

The results are in and here are the DBC Winning Team in the 2025 Bee Trivia Challenge!

Come join us and you too will be able to answer those bee questions!

Come and join us for our next monthly meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6 pm at the Bibb Center in White Bluff.

Our meetings are open to anyone interested in bees and beekeeping. Each monthly meeting will feature discussions and presentations about relevant topics for the current season or topics of specific interest to beekeepers. We also have a library of book that members can borrow to enhance their education!

Please come and join in the fun of learning about Bee Keeping!!

What's the Best About Our Club?

Great people - great topics - great fun!!!

Link to our Facebook Page

Dickson Bee Club's Facebook Page

Why You Should Join Our Club

1.  Local beekeeping experts, to address local issues and concerns. 

2. Monthly forums, discussing seasonal topics regarding beekeeping. 

3. Participation in local events,  showcasing local beekeepers and information for prospective members. 

4. Social activities, Such As Field Day And Honey Tastings.